anyways, please give me the chance to introduce myself

i am a chicken. i don't know why i am

(you are welcome to skip all this text but it is important to the plot and lore)

i am a riddler like you, yes!

i was even making my own riddle game

there was one factor about the game that caused it to fail

the game lacked originality, which caused a bunch of these creatures to take over the game

they wanted me to surrender to cliches which made the game stupider each level

i'll admit, i was very stupid and decided to copy ideas from other riddles

which only made the riddle game worse, barely any people played it

little did i know, those actions came with consequences that i deserved very well

my game was breaking slowly but surely

but it came to my surprise that people were actually playing my game!

idk if they enjoyed it, i won't be surprised if they didn't

after the damage i did to myself and the game, instead of leaving they still wanted more

so i did exactly that but promised more original levels

ok origin story over :))))))

I have to put this disclaimer note here,
Euclidea has no affiliation or anything connected to that riddle game.

that was such a boring origin story omg shut up, anyways how did you even get in here